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What are the Productive Ways to Utilize your free time

  • Post published:April 29, 2022


Before we actually go to learn the Productive ways to utilize your free time, let me tell you, if you are reading this then feel yourself to be lucky enough as you do have some free time in your hands. While many people around are working to find bare minimum free time, we should be thinking if we are loyal to our free time. Are you the one who Values the time or the one who just want time to pass soon by doing things that does not add any value to you.

Have you ever questioned your relatives or friends, hey what are you doing? And the answer you hear is nothing dear just passing my free time. Well, that wouldn’t be new to anyone as we are surrounded by people doing this more frequently.

If you want to be successful in your life and reach great heights, then start making a quality use of your free time. Do things that actually are productive or are related to your interest in life. Doing this can help you to expand your knowledge and level of understanding.

Productive Ways to utilize your free time

1. Exercise

Exercising helps you too boost your energy and it never means that exercising is just limited to Muscle or strengthening activities like Gym or doing high intensity Cardio. Exercising can be fun loving if you practice other physical activities you love to do. Some of the best practices can also be Aerobics like:

  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Walking
  • Sports
  • Dancing

The list can be big enough if you start knowing what interest you. It helps to combat many health issues like Weight, Chronic Diseases and many other. Practicing 15-30 minutes of Exercise daily is well to do.

2. Reading

One of the great advantage of reading is that it starts engaging various parts of your brain and strengthen mental muscles. It is one of the best mental workouts and helps you exercise your comprehension abilities and analytical abilities also boost your imagination to next level, improves your memory and helps to stabilize your emotions.


Reading can vary anywhere from Books, Blogs, Newspaper, Magazines, etc.

Let us understand some Advantages of Reading:

a. Finding yourself through Knowledge

Reading works as entry to newer world. It has the potential to broaden your perspective and shape your attitude. It changes and promotes new ways of your thinking. You become aware of many new possibilities which helps you to shape you with new identity.

b. Divert your mind to be good

Each day we are stressed out due to our work schedule. This results to limit our thinking and change in moods. While, reading can cheer you when you are down and can help you to calm your mind and focus on new learnings.

c. Improves Thinking and Analytical Skills

Reading helps you to stay focused. Many a times while reading your notice tiny puzzles, hidden stories and many more. This is when you start predicting and analyzing the content of the book. It sometimes become so interesting that we tend to read a specific chapter or paragraph again.

d. Master the Language

Not to deny this, Reading is one of the proven method to learn a language. The more you read the most you master the language. It can boost your vocabulary as you come across many new words, phrases throughout the context.

3. Writing


Both Writing and Reading are somehow interconnected with each other. To write you first need to read, understand the concept, put your own thoughts and lastly you put them in words. It is basically putting your own values or thoughts in detail to any particular subject. Isn’t that the best thing to do in your free time. Writing can range anywhere from Blogs, Scripts, Books and so on.

Let us understand some advantages of writing

a. Create your Presence

when you are writing an Article on any subject provides an additional view or opinion to the world. It was bit difficult or costly in the earlier days. But today due to boost in Digital Transformation, you have the access to general public easily like Social Media or Search Engine where you are able to share your thoughts much easily and at zero cost. Digital Transformation have also created an easy access to the entire world. You can write an article sitting at your home in India and people in USA or Africa can have the access to it without you spending money or by spending very less. All thanks to the internet.

An Example could be this Article that you are reading, it cost us little to create a platform for this blog which is just a Hosting and Domain but the entire world has access to it from anywhere and anytime. In

In other words, we can say that by doing this you create your Digital Presence and world can reach you in few seconds.

b. Express your thoughts in detail

You will agree that there is a huge difference in expressing your views or ideas verbally or in writing. Let us understand this.

While you are delivering your thoughts verbally you are in a speedy mode and have the limitation towards thinking and correcting yourself. Here there it normal human tendency to miss out on many important points to be expressed and discussed. This is a mind game although.

But while you are writing, there is sufficient time for you, mistakes can be edited, You have the room to change your words or thoughts before publishing with no extra efforts, you can go as deeply you want the public to know.

So by knowing all of these facts it is clear that writing helps us to express our thoughts much more in detail.

c. Improves your Language Skills

If you are a beginner in writing you may face grammatical errors which is normal to every individual. While you are writing you do not have to fear about the Grammatical errors since you have to opportunity to correct them and doing this consistently you are able to improve your grammar and communication.

4. Learning Digital Skills

Learning keeps your mind and body engaged to understand new things and knowledge based perspectives around the world. Due to boom in Internet the current generation is moving towards Digital Transformation. You must have observed things are moving on Digital Platforms may it be Learning, Buying, Selling, Marketing, Counselling and many more.

Digital World
Digital World

This Transformation provokes us to run with the trend and it is the time to learn Digital Skills and it is one important productive ways to utilize your free time. The future  work will be on Computer/Laptop and Internet. With this there is a need to all of us to Masters certain Digital Skills like

  • Photo & Video Editing
  • Graphic Designing
  • Microsoft Office
  • Digital Marketing
  • Programming, Web and App Development
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Coaching and Course Creation

As the world is moving forward there will be introduction to many new skills that will live with the trend. It will be no sooner that this will be replacing many of the usual 9-5 job status.

5. Socializing & Networking

Socializing provides a platform to the people to meet and interact with each other and share your thoughts and ideas while Networking Contributes towards your Social Well – Being. Both of these helps you to meet people with similar interest or even from different professional levels.

Image Source

Here are the reasons why it is very Important

a. It contributes towards your Social –Well-being. By this you are able to make new friends and maintain Personal and Professional Relationships.

b. It helps to develop your understanding by exchange of thoughts and Ideas. This can inspire you to build new technique to pursue a better prospect.

c. You can meet professional People in your domain. This can help you to get guidance and mentorship whenever you are stuck with the interest in your field.

One of the best practice to build confidence in you is to start Socializing and Networking. Since you keep on meeting many new people you learn many new things. They help you to come out from your fear zone and explore more.

6. Living your Passion and Hobby

You should never avoid to live with your Passion. Every individual is passionate about something and has a favorite Hobby. When life becomes too overwhelming and uneasy it helps to relax and calm yourself. This is something you do to enjoy yourself and have a life beyond the pressure of the work you are required to do.

Find your Passion

They form a part to many advantages to you, mainly it helps to deal with Mental Health and is one of the best productive ways to utilize your free time

  • It Feels your day with happiness.
  • Keeps you inspired and motivated.
  • Lowers your stress level.


While some of us are utilizing most of our free time to do something Non- Productive, It is necessary to know the world beyond our work limits. Each of us have seen the impact of pandemic in the world. It did make lot of Destruction but made us to learn many things. People learnt a lesson in 2 years which have not been learnt in several years.

If you are looking to reach great heights in future then you have to start making quality use of your free time. Though it is free, each minute of yours cost Money and Energy and you should be deciding to make it productive or Non – Productive.