Time Management

What is Time Management – Value and Tips


Time management is one of the important quality that you should treat seriously if you are looking for your personal development. It is said very rightly that a person who does not Value time does not Value his or her own self. In this Century, Parents keep wandering out to inculcate the importance of time management in their children so that they grow up to be better individuals and can gain respect in society they live in.

How would we define Time Management actually? Is it all about making a sort of timetable and to follow it? Or is it about dedicating a specific time to complete daily tasks? Or is it about allocating time for work, play, food and everything else that every human needs to do in day today life?

Understanding Time Management

Let us put this to be simple, Time Management is all about scheduling your tasks in a way that ensures they are accomplished. It does not matter how much time you allot to your tasks; the important thing is that you should be able to complete everything that you take up. There should be no waste of time. Also, Entertainment and Recreation—the very two important human necessities—should be accounted. When an individual masters the art of doing this, they are called to be good Time Managers as they understand the importance of Time Management

Another important quality that people must have that goes together with time management is prioritization. We take up many tasks, and we already have too many different things to complete throughout the day and our time resources are limited. That is why prioritization comes into picture. This ensures that we complete the most important tasks first. Now, which are the more important tasks? They are the tasks on which the fulfillment of other tasks are related—those are the ones that needs to be prioritized.  When you learn to prioritize your work, you will manage your time in a better way.

So, if you are a housewife or you are Manager of a Company 0r the president of any Country, it is quite essential that you learn the value of time. Time is a limited resource that we have—it is our responsibility to make the most of each second that we have, either our own or of the people and things we Care and Love for.

How Can the Value of Time Management Make You a Better Person?

If you do not have any of the special quality in you, but you know how you can manage your time quite well, then you already know the importance of time management. You have that one Potential in you that highly effective leaders, political figures and businesspeople of the world have had. Also, You know how to take up tasks and then you know how to allot them the right time so that they can be accomplished in the given time. You know how to manage your deadlines. To be a highly successful person, this quality is like a raw material that you need.

There are many other ways in which the quality of time management will enhance your personality to a large extent. Let us know some of them:

1. Time Management Makes You More Productive

When you are able to manage your time well, you can take up more tasks and complete them. You will not be wasting time because you develop a habit of understanding for every second of your time. There will be proper utilization of all the time you have at your disposal. Also, you are able to produce more in more ways like physically, spiritually and in other aspects.

2. Time Management Improves Your Frame of Mind

People who manage their time properly are usually to be in a better mental state than those who don’t. The most relevant reason for that is the fact that they can finish their jobs and don’t need to procrastinate or push their things for the next day. As a result they get a better sleep and gives sense of fulfillment.

3. Time Management Allows Personal Development

When you are capable of finishing tasks in a given timeframe, it implies that you are able to take up many other challenging jobs and schedule your things in such a way that you will finish them as well. This leads to your own growth and are able to reach new levels all the time which builds your Personal Development.

These are some of the proven reasons why you should learn to manage your time well. It builds ample space for you to finish your tasks and look for more, which keeps building yourself in a consistent manner.

Tips to improve Time Management

Better time management leads to better personal development. So, if you are not looking for these tips to manage your time yet, you should start looking for them now.

Here are some tips to help you.

1. Realize your potentials and capacities.

This is an important step of your time management. So, when you know your own capabilities, you have a good idea of how soon you can complete a particular task. Some people may take a whole day for something you can do just within an hour or within a very limited time. So it is essential that you understand your own potential first.

2. Set Time for things that you commonly do.

If you have a job to be done on regular basis, then kindly check for the time you consume to complete that job. When keep managing your time, you can allot that much time for it later on.

3. Always prioritize your work.

Give priority to things that are most important and Urgent, it means those jobs that have an influence on other things that you do. Let us understand, there are some task which are usually dependent on completion of Main Task. So, If there is a task whose fulfillment will expedite another task, then prioritize to do that task first. Prioritizing properly can lead to better productivity. Look at the Priority Matrix below

Image Credits : https://conceptboard.com/blog/manage-your-time-with-the-priority-matrix-template/

4. Keep a proper time for every kind of activity.

May it be work, play or recreation keep proper time for everything. If you keep allotting time only for work, then it will backfire you because you will be stressed out. You will then divert for other kinds of things to do and will spoil your own agenda. Also, always remember to keep some family time as well.

5. Have some variety in your tasks.

Do not keep doing the same things repeatedly. There will be a time when things become boring, and they may take longer to finish just because you may have lost motivation to do the same kinds of things repetitively. Variety is the spice of life.

6. Plan things ahead of deadlines.

For some kind of work that you need to compulsorily complete within a particular period of time, you need to start preparing a proper strategy for it. Make a Plan on finishing all such work a little ahead of schedule. This will takes care of all contingencies and helps you finish the jobs you have taken up.

7. Put all your watches and clocks five minutes ahead.

Well, this is most commonly practiced way and will find in 8 out of 10 people doing this. Even if you consciously know that they are ahead, your subconscious mind will respond to the hands of the watch or clock and try to work faster. It happens—try it out!

So while concluding, I would say, each one of us want to be successful and see yourself well established. When we look at other successful people we start thinking why we are not like them but when you look into their daily life, you will find that one thing which all of these successful people are doing i.e Time Management. It sounds easy though but it is a habit that needs to be developed and can be achieved by practicing it.

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